President WEN Tao was invited to attend the first Northeast Higher Education Forum and deliver a keynote speech

|2023-05-25 09:24

25 May 2023, Dalian - The academic seminar themed "Regional Economic and Social Development and the Role of Higher Education Support"  and the first Northeast Higher Education Forum, jointly organized by the Higher Education Research Institute of Dalian University of Technology and the Higher Education Research Institute of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, were successfully held at Shenyang University of Chemical Technology on May 20th and 21st. More than 50 higher education research institutions from the "Northeast Three Provinces and One Region" jointly initiated the event.The forum was attended by nearly 300 individuals, including leaders from higher education research institutions and education colleges, as well as heads in university development planning, teaching, scientific research, and graduate schools departments. Additionally, young scholars specializing in the field of higher education research were also present.


The forum aims to comprehensively and deeply study the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, fully implement the important discourse of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education and the important speeches and instructions on the revitalization and development of Northeast China, explore the laws and models of the coordinated development of higher education and regional economic and social high-level development under the new development pattern, and issue a new voice for higher education research institutions in Northeast China, demonstrating the responsibility and commitment of higher education research institutions and researchers to practice. Attendees of the forum include Professor ZHANG Dexiang, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Dalian University of Technology, former Vice President of China Association of Higher Education, and Honorary Dean of the Institute of Higher Education at Dalian University of Technology, Professor BIE Dunrong, Dean of the Institute of Higher Education at Xiamen University and Vice President of the Chinese Association of Higher Education's School Research Association, Professor ZHOU Guangli, Director of the Evaluation Research Center of Renmin University of China and Distinguished Professor of the Changjiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education, Professor WANG Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, and Professor XU Guangwen, President of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology. Professor WEN Tao, President of Neusoft Education Technology Group Co. Limited ("Neuedu" or "the Group") and Honorary President of Dalian Neusoft University of Information (“DNUI”), was invited to attend the forum and give a keynote speech, accompanied by Professor WANG Weikun, Senior Vice President of the Group.


WEN pointed out in his keynote report on "Exploration and Practice of Digital Transformation of Application-oriented Universities" that the new round of technological revolution is driving profound changes in the progression of China's social and economic development. The digital wave has spawned a large demand for digital application-oriented and technical skilled talents. Continuously improving and constructing the new paradigm of high-quality development of application-oriented universities through digital technology will become a strategic choice to achieve student-centeredness, strengthen school-running characteristics, improve school-running quality, and empower innovation and development. Facing the existing difficulties and challenges in the digital transformation of application-oriented universities, based on the exploration and practice of digital teaching and learning development in Neuedu for more than 20 years, WEN proposed the concept, basic principles, and unchanging adherence of the digital transformation, and constructed the framework system of the digital transformation of application-oriented universities. From the five aspects of "school, major, course, teacher, and evaluation," he respectively stated the goals and corresponding paths of the digital transformation of application-oriented universities, and presented an account of the practical experience in DNUI from a holistic perspective.

DNUI has established an application-oriented educational positioning that serves the industry and regional economic and social development since its inception, focusing on the field of digital technology-related majors and relying on its inherent IT industry genes and resource advantages. It has embarked on the path of digitalization and adopted a characteristic-based approach to education. In 2000, DNUI innovatively proposed the modern e-education mode of "F2F+e-Learning" combination; in 2008, it creatively proposed and fully implemented the characteristic TOPCARES talent training model; in 2013, it implemented the flexible learning 1.0 stage based on "4A" concept (Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway, Anycontent); in 2018, it facilitated the implementation of the TOPCARES+Blend Learning model. At present, DNUI has entered a new stage of digital development based on "4S" strategy (PaaS, SaaS, CaaS, DaaS), and further promoted the new upgrade iteration of flexible learning based on "4A" concept. Over the years, DNUI has successively won the first and second prizes of National Teaching Achievement of Higher Education among other hornors and awards, and its digital innovation practice has been highly recognized by all sectors of society.


In anticipation of the future, Neuedu will closely seize the opportunity of the national education digitalization strategy, continue to firmly promote the digital transformation practice of application-oriented universities, focus on the key links and fields of digital transformation, continuously increase theoretical research and R&D investment, actively exchange and cooperate with universities at all levels, and empower more universities on the road of digital transformation with advanced and high-quality digital education products and solutions, contributing actively to the high-quality development of China's universities.