Neuedu and CNU held a signing and unveiling ceremony for the deep collaboration in building Big Data Industry College

|2023-05-16 14:43

24 March 2023, Dalian - Neusoft Education Technology Group Co. Limited ("Neuedu" or "the Group") and Cangzhou Normal University ("CNU" or "the University") held a signing and unveiling ceremony for the deep co-construction of Big Data Industry College. ZHANG Zhanping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of CNU, FAN Xiaozhen, standing committee member and vice president of the Party Committee, LV Bingjun, director of the Academic Affairs Office, LIU Wuyun, secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, FAN Wenchao, vice dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and XING Sheng, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, attended the ceremony, as did LI Yingao, senior vice president of Neuedu, ZHAO Long, general manager of the North China Region, and GUO Shuai, sales director of Higher Education Business in the North China Region.


The delegation of the Group was welcomed by ZHANG and listened to an overview of the University, which was founded in 1958 and has evolved over the past sixty years into a local applied undergraduate normal university with multiple disciplines, cultivating a large number of outstanding talents for basic education and economic and social development. The University has made it a priority to collaborate with well-known domestic enterprises as part of its application-oriented transformation. The construction of new-generation information technology-related majors, however, faces the challenge of rapid technological iteration, high demand for talent, and high quality requirements. Collaborative education through school-enterprise cooperation can fully enhance the professional competitiveness of graduates and solve the pain points and difficulties faced in major construction.


LI introduced the development concept of the Group, which aims to empower intelligent education through technology. Leveraging technological means and educational research and development achievements, the Group has built a 4S product and service system that covers platforms, software, resources, and data. Based on Neusoft's strong industrial advantages and rich experience in running higher education institutions, the Group has accumulated extensive experience in the construction of modern industrial colleges. As a closely integrated community of schools and enterprises, Big Data Industry College focuses more on talent cultivation in collaboration with enterprises and the integration with local regional economies, providing talent and technical support for the rapidly developing economy of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


FAN and ZHAO, signed a cooperation agreement for Big Data Industry College on behalf of both parties. The agreement stipulates that both parties will fully leverage their industrial advantages, deepen the integration of industry and education, and work together to explore the construction model of modern industrial colleges. The agreement also aims to strengthen the construction of advantageous and distinctive majors, improve the collaborative education mechanism, build a complete talent ecosystem, achieve seamless connection between talent cultivation and industry demand, and support industrial transformation and upgrading.


As a leading IT higher education technology group in China, Neuedu has centered on the value creation of learners for the past twenty years. Relying on Neusoft's strong industrial advantages and rich experience in running higher education institutions, the company has digitized, productized, and platformized leading education concepts, methods, models, systems, and standards, providing high-quality education products for colleges and universities. In the future, the Group will collaborate deeply with schools and enterprises to build Big Data Industry College, which will provide technical and talent support for the rapidly developing big data industry in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.