LIU Jiren, chairperson of Neuedu attended OpenAtom Global Opensource Summit 2023 and delivered a keynote speech

|2023-06-19 13:48

Jun 19 2023, Dalian - 2023 Openatom Global Open Source Summit centering around the theme of "Empowering the Future with Open Source" was held in Beijing on Jun 11. ZHANG Yunming, a member of the CPC Group and vice ministor of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, XU Xinchao, deputy secretary-general of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality attended the event and delivered speeches. Scholars in related fields from science and technology institutions, leaders from domestic and international leading corporates and social organizations, as well as a large number of opensource programmers and amateurs attended the summit. LIU Jiren,founder of Neusoft and chaireperson of Neuedu Education Technology Group Co. Limited ("Neuedu" or the "Group") was invited to the opening ceremony. 


MEI Hong and WANG Huaimin, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered keynote speeches on the topic of "Three mainstream Views on Open Source Development" and "Swarm Intelligence: A New Paradigm for Software Development", respectively. SUN Wenlong, director of the OpenAtom Open Source Foundation, presented a report entitled "Openatom Collects High-Quality Resources". 


LIU delivered a keynote speech on "The Empowering Role of Education in the Innovative Development of Open Source Strategies". He stated that open source has become the new driving force of the digital economy era, injecting boundless vitality and possibilities for rapid development in this field. This includes accelerating innovation in digital technology, optimizing software production methods, fostering a thriving software industry ecology, promoting growth in digital talent, and innovating the culture of the digital industry. He stressed that talent is a crucial driver for advancing the development and growth of open source strategy, and innovative individuals possessing open source awareness, knowledge, skills and culture have become highly valuable assets. Therefore, open source education must constitute an integral component of open source strategy. It goes beyond technology and is essential for a complete IT education. Without it, an open source community will lack its due vitality and innovation. Open source education should drive educational reform, enrich resources, stimulate open innovation and learning vitality, disseminate open source culture and facilitate large-scale training of open source talents.


 He stressed that Neusoft is committed to promoting industrial innovation and transformation and empowering digital transformation ecology. The establishment and running of Neusoft's three universities is a practical verification of the integration of production and education. Neusoft has built and implemented a high-quality digital applied talent training system with scientific education methods. Meanwhile, Neuedu has created an innovative open source education model by digitization, productization and platform transformation of educational concepts, methods, models, systems and standards, so as to empower the majority of colleges and learners. This practice ensures standardization, concreteness and measurability in the process of talent training in colleges and universities, enabling learners to achieve greater growth and harvest at a lower cost within a shorter time frame. As such, it provides crucial support for the cultivation of digital economy talents. 


In addition, YANG Wei, director of Artificial Intelligence Product Development Center at Neuedu, shared his report on "Empowering Computer Engineering education through Open Source Digitalization" during the sub-forum themed "Open Source Education and Talent". He emphasized that with the rapid development of information technology and digital transformation,traditional teaching models are undergoing reform to incorporate more project-based learning practices that inspire students to engage in practical project development and problem solving. "The emergence of open source digital technology has provided sufficient basic conditions for building a superior platform for innovative practice and training projects. By utilizing open source software and digital tools, we can choose valuable open source projects to facilitate teaching transformation. This will create learning and practical resources that meet the needs of computer application engineering students, fully satisfying their learning and practice requirements. Additionally, it promotes the development of open source awareness among students while fostering an open-source education culture," YANG said.