Staff Quality Improvement and Team Development Training
Staff quality improvement
Disassemble the comprehensive ability items of grass-roots employees in actual work, and match courses according to the entry time of employees and the four key stages of employee development.

The ability module of grassroots staff training is mainly improved according to the post characteristics of grassroots staff, mainly around: post skills and knowledge, communication and cooperation ability, service awareness and professional quality, innovation ability and thinking, learning and self-development ability and other abilities, so that grassroots staff can systematically improve their comprehensive ability according to the growth and development characteristics.

Team development training

Outward bound

Usually for individual or team problems, with the help of professional venues and facilities to complete the experience content, through physical and mental challenges, thinking collision, coaching guidance, trigger the experiencer to think, project real work to explore the problem, so that experiencers form self-awareness and behavior change.

Team co-creation
Aiming at a specific theme, we can jointly create a shocking work in the context of play and entertainment creation, with rich themes, diverse forms, high participation and strong interaction. In the process of creation, we can effectively harmonize the team and activate the team efficiency.

Situational experience
From the venue to the props, costumes, courses and other modules, all situational, so that students from the beginning full of curiosity, looking forward to participation, the whole course goal as the main line, from a high degree of participation to stimulate endless fun, passion, wisdom and cooperation, to achieve the goal of enterprise group building.

Sports team building
Based on modern and traditional sports, the rules and forms of optimization, both test the spirit of team cooperation of the collective project, but also fully show the personal style of the individual project, better match the enterprise team building goals, embrace the healthy team building method, feel the wonderful life and the infinite charm of team cooperation.

Fun sports meeting

With the theme of "sports, health and happiness", the competition is changed into entertainment, and the elite is displayed as full participation and reasonable design of the competition items, so that the participants can feel the competitiveness of the sport and experience the fun of the sport in the competition.
