Elderly Caregiver
Personnel engaged in life care and nursing services for the elderly.
Training Level
• Level 5/Junior
• Level 4/Intermediate

People Suitable
• Employees who would like to further enhance skillsets
• Individuals who are interested in undergoing career transition training

Knowledge System Framework
Elderly Caregiver (Level 5)
• Introduction to elderly care services
• Life care
• Technical nursing
• Rehabilitation care
• Psychological care

Elderly Caregiver (Level 4)
• Introduction to elderly care services: professional ethics, professional work instructions for elderly care workers
• Life care: diet care, excretion care, sleep care, cleaning care, putting on and taking off clothes
• Technical nursing: medication care, hot & cold application, hospice care, wheelchair use, transfer care
• Rehabilitation care: care for common diseases of the elderly, rehabilitation of the elderly, common observation and care records for the elderly
Psychological nursing: psychological characteristics and nursing characteristics of the elderly, common mental problems and nursing care of the elderly